Parade permits

Please plan on submitting your parade permit approximately one month prior to the planned parade to allow for selectboard and police review. Selectboard meetings are scheduled every two weeks typically on a Monday night (allowing for holidays). However, during the summer when parades are more common the Springfield Selectboard meets monthly. Consult the Meeting Calendar on the town's website to learn when meetings are scheduled. Selectboard agendas are finalized by the Thursday afternoon prior to the meeting, so parade permits are best submitted earlier in the week to get on the agenda. 

Note the insurance requirement. Although you or your organization may already have insurance in effect, the town usually requires a separate Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the town as the certificate holder. These are standard forms that your insurance carrier can readily provide to you.

The attached pdf form can be filled out online, downloaded and submitted via email, or printed out and brought to the Town Office.