Comtu Cascade Park Use Policy – Approved May 10, 2021

For many years Springfield’s riverfront was devoted to industrial purposes, but Comtu
Cascade Park now offers a safe, accessible venue for events and recreational use. The
Town of Springfield has created the following guidelines to ensure that everyone can
benefit from this unique and valuable resource. Requests for park use should be directed
to the Town Manager’s Office at (802) 885-2104 or

1. Any activity that would unduly interfere with casual, incidental use of the park by
others requires an event permit that must be approved in advance by the Selectboard.
Examples include the use of amplified sound & lighting equipment, and sources of
heat, smoke, noise or impact hazard such as portable grills, fireworks and aerial
drones. Motorized vehicles (excepting mobility devices) are not allowed in the park
except by prior authorization.
2. Groups of more than sixteen (16) people desiring to gather at the park instead of, or
in addition to, nearby areas on Main Street, Park Street, or Valley Street require
Town Manager and Police Chief approval in order to mitigate potential parking and
safety issues.
3. Any commercial use requires an event permit. Any activity that involves the sale of
goods and services also requires a vendor's permit, available through the Town
Clerk’s Office, and may require approval by the Development Review Board.
4. The installation or construction of fixtures or amenities such as the placement of
portable sanitation facilities, tents, signage, inflatable games or displays, and crowd
control devices, may require approval by the Development Review Board.
5. Bikes, scooters and skateboards are not to be ridden in the park.
6. Animals must be kept on leash and under the owner’s control. Please clean up after
your animals using the bags and waste receptacles provided.
7. Any activity that involves the use of electricity from one or more of the fixtures in
the park, or the use of municipal water at the park, requires approval in advance by
the Town Manager. A fee will be charged.
8. The Town Manager has discretion to approve, deny or set conditions for uses
described above and for other uses not described above.

Similar to parades and other large events, a certificate of insurance in the amount of one
million dollars ($1,000,000) or a signed waiver of liability is required.