
Muckross State Park

24 Paddock Rd, Springfield, VT  05156-9135
Muckross State Park preserves the estate of the late Senator Edgar May and former Governor Madeleine May Kunin. The park features rustic cottages, a pond, a dramatic waterfall, and miles of hiking trails. As a recent addition to the state park system, Muckross is still very much in development and doesn't presently have any formal parking or public facilities available. It's only accessible on foot, on the dirt road immediately on the left across the Paddock Road bridge. Look for the info kiosk at the gated entrance. Work is ongoing to bring Muckross back to its former glory and make it a recreation destination for all who live in or visit Springfield. There is a small parking area (6 vehicles) just inside the park entrance at 26 Muckross Road. The park is also accessible by foot or bike on the Toonerville Rail Trail which has parking areas on Clinton Street, on Charlestown Road near Hoyt's Landing, and at the Exit 7 Park and Ride. For more information, please contact Vermont State Parks' Springfield Regional Office at (802) 289-0603.

