Selected regulations

  1. Driveway Permits are required for new construction or significant alterations to existing driveways. It is the responsibility of the land owner to apply for a permit. There is no fee for this permit, which can be picked up at the Springfield Department of Public Works, 216 Fairground Road (802) 886-2208.
  2. There is to be no planting of any kind within five (5) feet of the edge of a Town Highway. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep any existing plants trimmed back away from the roadway. Any plants within the area designated above may be trimmed back without notice by the Town's roadside mower.
  3. Fencing or any other type of structure placed within five (5) feet of any Town Highway is also against town policy. Any damage done during road maintenance will not be covered by the Town of Springfield.

No Snow on Public Roadways

(Cite as: 23 V.S.A. § 1126a)

  •         § 1126a. Depositing snow onto or across certain highways prohibited

(a) No person, other than an employee in the performance of his or her official duties or other person authorized by the Agency of Transportation (in the case of State highways) or selectboard (in the case of town highways), shall plow or otherwise deposit snow onto the traveled way, shoulder, or sidewalk of a State highway or a class 1, 2, or 3 town highway.

The penalty for this offence is up to $1000.00 and the offender is liable for damages that could occur to the traveling public as result.