FEMA Hazard Mitigation - Lincoln Street/Mile Brook


Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding for an action located in a floodplain. Funding would be provided through Vermont Emergency Management to the Town of Springfield for a slope stabilization project.

The federal action is located along Lincoln Street in Springfield, VT. The project would stabilize an eroding bank along Mile Brook with a 105 linear-foot rockery crib wall; vegetated slope, stone fill, and reinforced turf mat; as well as repairs to the stormwater outfall area. The rockery crib wall would be installed at the toe of the slope to stabilize the slope repair. Installation of a manhole and energy dissipation are also proposed to ensure long term stability. A temporary stream crossing from the eastern bank of Mile Brook or a temporary access path on the western stream bank may be used. Any temporary access will be removed and restored when the project is complete.

The project is within a mapped special flood hazard area (1% annual chance floodplain). The natural and beneficial floodplain functions would be restored at the site long-term. Sedimentation and erosion controls would be employed. A flood map of the area is available upon request.

The FEMA funded project must remain in a floodplain because the geographic location of both the proposed rockery crib wall and the potential temporary stream crossing for construction access. Alternatives considered, and dismissed, include “no action” and a steel sheet pile wall at the top of the slope. The chosen action would conform to applicable state and local floodplain protection standards. Grant conditions will also require compliance with all federal, state and local laws, including coordination with the local floodplain administrator.

Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodplain impacts should be submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:

Brendan Lynch, Environmental Protection Specialist
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Cambridge, MA
Brendan.Lynch@fema.dhs.gov; (771) 217-6661