2017 Bylaws and Mission Statement

HARTNESS STATE AIRPORT COMMISSION                                                   

Tentative mission statement for discussion and revision

The Hartness State Airport Commission is composed of five to seven members as appointed by the Springfield Selectboard. The executive director of the Springfield Regional Development Commission and the executive director of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce will be invited to serve ex-officio as will the current fixed base operator at the airport.


The purpose of the Commission is to develop coordinated plans for the growth and development of the airport in conformance with the Airport Master Plan and State and Federal regulations. The activities of the Commission shall be concerned with but not limited to the following general areas.

            1)  Improvements and procedures necessary to encourage the use of the facility by general aviation.

            2)  Development of plans and recommendations for physical improvements to the airport including new construction, navigation aids, roads, utilities, terminal             facilities, general maintenance, advice on leasing and development rights and other provisions.

            3)  Liaison with the State Agency of Transportation – Aviation Division and the Federal Aviation Administration.

            4)  Attracting and developing commercial air service or air charter operations.

            5)  Attracting larger aircraft to be based here rather than major metropolitan areas. 

Powers and Duties:

            The Commission shall exercise such authority as may be delegated or assigned to it by the selectboard or the VT AOT Aviation Division.


            The Commission shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman at its first meeting in the New Year. 


            The Commission shall meet monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month (unless changed at the request of a majority). The chair and vice-chair may vote on any             issue and are allowed to speak on any issue.  Robert’s Rules shall govern the meetings.