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Meeting ID: 818 2616 6567
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Meeting ID: 818 2616 6567
Final Public Hearing
The Town of Springfield received $525,000 from the State of Vermont for a grant under the Vermont Community Development Program. A public hearing will be held at 96 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156 on February 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM to obtain the views of citizens on community development, to furnish information concerning the range of community development activities that have been undertaken under this program, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine a statement of the use of these funds. The VCDP Funds received have been used to accomplish the following activities:
Replace the ventilation system at the Huber Building (80 Main St., Springfield, VT 05156).
Information on this project may be obtained from and viewed during the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM at Town Hall at 96 Main Street. Should you require any special accommodations please contact Town Manager Jeff Mobus at 802 885-2104 to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. For the hearing impaired please call (TIV) #1-800-253-0191.
Springfield Selectboard