When is Town Hall open?

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, except for holidays.

When and where do I pay my property taxes?

Property tax bills for the Town of Springfield are printed and mailed before July 15th of each tax year.

The tax year runs from July 1 through June 30. One annual bill with four payment stubs is sent to each property parcel owner. 

Tax installment due dates are:

    • For the July, August & September period: August 15
    • For the October, November & December period: November 15
    • For the January, February and March period: February 15
    • For the April May & June period: May 15

Taxes are due in the tax collector’s office in Town Hall by the close of business (4:30 pm) on the due date. 


Payments may be made in cash, check or money order made payable to The Town of Springfield. 

Checks returned for insufficient funds or closed accounts are subject to a $25.00 processing fee.


Pay bills in person at:
Finance Department
Town Hall, 2nd Floor
96 Main Street
Springfield, VT

Or mail to:

Collector of Taxes
Town of Springfield
96 Main Street
Springfield, VT  05156 


When are Property Taxes Late/Delinquent? 

Taxes are due in the tax collector’s office in Town Hall by the close of business (5:00 pm) on the due date. 


Payments may be made in cash, by personal check, money order, or by using the Pay Online link on the homepage. 


Outside of regular business hours envelopes containing payments can be deposited through the mail slots in the first- or second-floor doors of Town Hall.


Interest on late payments is assessed at 1% per month for each of the first three months and 1.5% for each month thereafter. Taxes unpaid after May 15 will be assessed a penalty of 8%.

Where do I apply for a dog license?

Dog licenses are issued by the Town Clerk's Office, and are available at Town Hall. All dogs must be licensed annually by April 1st. Fees are $14.00 for neutered/spayed dogs, and $18.00 if not. Owners must show proof of current rabies vaccination in order to obtain a license. Licenses obtained after April 1st are $16.00 and $22.00 respectively. 

Do I need permission to be a vendor in Springfield?

Yes. If you plan on vending in Springfield, you will need to first apply for a Vendor's License here. Plan ahead and allow 2 weeks for processing. There is no vending on town-owned property. You must seek the permission of the owner on whose property you wish to vend. Vending must be within the downtown district.

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