Top Priorities of Springfield Greenways ... Committee - revised August 22, 2017
Top Five Priorities of The Springfield Trails, Greenways, Beltways, and Rural Economy Advisory Committee
Selected from Revised Scope of Work
The Committee as a whole reviewed the revised the Scope of Work of the Committee approved at its organizational meeting and established the following five (5) as the top priorities for the Committee for this year, there was no priority made as amongst the five selected:
After organizing itself, the Committee would proceed to gather together all, or as many of the various studies of pedestrian, bicycle or other pathways or sidewalks which have been made, but not yet constructed.
Emanating out from the spinal trail system that runs north/south through Springfield, determine where there are voids in the access such as a gap in the trail or a lack of sidewalks, and then analyze how the gap could be remedied. This is expanded to include review of potential major trail developments outside of the spinal trail on the ridges and their potential for a trail system beyond that of the spinal trail connections, and also identify potential undeveloped walkways.
Develop a scouting system to locate grants pertaining to trails, greenways, byways, and rural enterprises which could serve as Springfield destinations, and a grant team trained to react quickly to grant opportunities.
Develop a checklist of rural economic, educational or cultural facilities or enterprises which would enhance the middle-class appeal, increase the Grand List, tie in with themes or developments in the developed portion of town or otherwise improve the aesthetics and quality of life in the Springfield community, including meeting with the local real estate agents as a group to determine ways that rural areas of Springfield could be enhanced in order to increase real estate values and the marketability of the community.
Work on how to organize and fund trail maintenance, curb invasive species, and develop monitoring to avoid or reduce trail abuse or illegal activities.