Public Hearing - Transportation ordinance amendments


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Meeting ID: 818 2616 6567

The Selectboard of the Town of Springfield will hold a public hearing on February 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall on 96 Main Street in Springfield, VT, to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Town Ordinances. This is the second, and possibly final, public hearing on these proposed amendments. The purpose of these proposed amendments can be summarized as follows: 

• To amend the ordinance on non-motorized transportation to allow some non-motorized conveyances, such as skates, on town streets and highways. 

The proposed amendment affects the entire jurisdiction of the Town of Springfield. The full text of the proposed ordinance amendment is available to review at the Springfield Town Clerk's Office during normal business hours and also on the Town of Springfield website:

Springfield Selectboard