Inclusion Committee
When:Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 032 6433
Passcode: 967361
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1. Call to Order
2. Additions / Subtractions to the Agenda
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of minutes of July 20, August 4, and August 17 meetings
5. Old business
a. Vocabulary
b. Informed consent
c. Informational meeting on housing
6. New business
a. Fair Housing materials
7. Reports and discussion of information gathered since last meeting
a. Potential recommendations concerning housing
b. Education accessibility in Springfield
c. Other
8. Recommendations to Selectboard
a. Accessibility of Town website documents
b. Other recommendations arising from discussions
9. Set date of next regular meeting: October 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM10. Adjournment