You may register to vote on Election Day at the polls and then proceed to vote on that day. You may also register to vote any time in person at the town clerk’s office 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F or online at the Secretary of State's MY VOTER PAGE which is a web-based search found at https://mvp.vermont.gov/.
You may use MY VOTER PAGE to register to vote or to check your:
- Voter registration status
- Absentee ballot status
- Mail-in application and ballot status
- Poll location
- Elected officials
- Registration information on file with the Town Clerk
- Sample ballot for the upcoming election
- Challenge letter response
- Take oath
Absentee Ballot Request Form HERE
You or a family member can request early or absentee ballots at any time during the year of the election in person, in writing, by telephone, email or online at https://mvp.vermont.gov/. The latest you can request ballots for the any election is 4:30 p.m. on the day prior to the election. (Any other person authorized by you who is not a family member must apply in writing or in person for a ballot for you.)
State Election Results HERE
Barbara A. Courchesne
Town Clerk, CVC
Town Treasurer
Delinquent Tax Collector
Phone: 802.885.2104
Email: tosclerk@vermontel.net
Phone: 802.885.2104
Email: tosclerk@vermontel.net