Pursuant to the Title 19, Vermont Statutes Annotated, Sections 1109-1110, the State Transportation Board has made and promulgated the following rule, now administered by the Agency of Transportation, in accordance with Section 12 of Act No. 246 of 1990. 

In order to prevent the abuse of any highway, or portion thereof, posted under the provisions of these Sections from November 15th to December 31st and from January 1st to May 15th, inclusive, in each year, or until adoption and announcement of any modifications of said rules, no vehicle having a weight, including vehicle and load, in excess of the weights specified below, shall be operated on any part of the following classes of highways, which are posted under the provisions of these Sections:

  State Highways

 Town Highways 

(Classes 2, 3, and 4)

Two-axle Trucks 20,000 lbs 15,000 lbs
Three-axle Trucks 30,000 lbs 18,000 lbs
Tractor Trailer Units 40,000 lbs 20,000 lbs

Vermont Agency of Transportation
Montpelier, VT